Biotext team members work together to ensure highly technical content is presented clearly, accurately and consistently.
The qualifications and experience of our team mean that we can provide expert analysis, advice and editing for technical content, including mathematical texts, equations, chemistry, physics and more. We also develop plain-English summaries of complex content.
Our role:
Australian Mathematics Trust
The Australian Mathematics Trust provides national competitions, programs and resources for Australian students, to foster the development of mathematical and problem-solving skills. Biotext works with the trust to ensure materials provided to students are as clear as possible. We analyse and edit complex mathematical material to find and correct errors and ensure that the questions are presented consistently and without ambiguity. In 2023, our expert editors copyedited and proofread the 5 Australian Mathematics Competition examinations that went out to thousands of students across Australia. We also edited and proofread papers for the Australian Informatics Olympiad and the Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad.
Nationwide Home Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS), Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
NatHERS provides building energy performance ratings and information to help make Australian homes more comfortable and help residents make smarter design choices. In 2019, we partnered with the department in a significant project to create the NatHERS assessor handbook to ensure that registered assessors could easily navigate and understand the complex NatHERS assessment process and requirements. We analysed existing content, developed a new structure and flow to make navigation easier, and wrote and edited highly technical content to ensure that it was clear and action-oriented, focusing on style and consistency throughout.
In 2022, NatHERS was expanded to include a new Whole of Home rating that measures the energy use of the whole home including appliances, solar and batteries. To help assessors complete the new rating accurately, a Guidance Note was developed to provide step-by-step instructions and details. Biotext worked with the department to restructure and rewrite content to ensure it was clear and comprehensive and met assessor needs. A Calculation Method was also drafted to outline the method that underpins the Whole of Home rating calculation, so that software developers could include the new rating in assessment tools. Biotext experts edited this highly technical document to ensure the science and mathematics were clear.

Water modelling reports, NSW Department of Planning and Environment
As part of its commitment to transparency in its processes, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment are developing a series of reports on their work. Developing climate data sets for use in climate risk assessment for Regional Water Strategies was designed to detail the climate data processes used in the NSW water modelling framework. Biotext worked with the department over a series of edits to improve the flow of the document and edit for consistency and scientific standards. We have also worked with the department to deliver summary and technical reports about various reach models to to meet the needs of both policy and technical audiences.
Developing climate data sets for use in climate risk assessment for Regional Water Strategies, NSW Department of Planning and Environment
As part of its commitment to transparency in its processes, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment are developing a series of reports on their work. Developing climate data sets for use in climate risk assessment for Regional Water Strategies was designed to detail the climate data processes used in the NSW water modelling framework. Biotext worked with the department over a series of edits to improve the flow of the document and edit for consistency and scientific standards.
Australia’s carbon sequestration potential, CSIRO
Carbon sequestration is an important tool in the urgent decarbonisation needed to limit climate change, and can deliver other benefits. The Climate Change Authority commissioned CSIRO to report on Australia’s carbon sequestration potential and compare the available methods. Biotext worked with CSIRO to summarise the 200-page technical report into a 20-page summary document with clear conclusions to inform advice to government and future planning. We developed an engaging structure and infographics to capture the overall messages and present a 1-page summary of each potential method.