Good editing should be invisible
Good editing isn’t so much about rules as it is about ease. The end goal is not just making your text obey conventions, but ensuring the reader finds it effortless to understand.
How to make your content accessible
Making sure content is accessible is everyone’s business, and it’s not as tricky as you think.
Design – more than just making it pretty
Design is about functionality and purpose, not merely making something look attractive.
Providing a road map to your messages
Simply providing all the details is not enough. Clear and logical information architecture for every medium helps readers to engage with content, and inspires them to keep reading.
Which graph should I use?
Data visualisations pique readers’ interest and engage their visuospatial mind.
Why making graphs is not as easy as you think
Software packages make producing graphs quick and easy. But they can also make it quick and easy to produce a bad graph.
How to write for the web
Web content has some important differences in structure and format, mainly as a result of how people use the internet.