Job opportunity for a content lead

We are looking for a motivated content specialist who can build great client relationships, manage multiple projects and deliver outstanding content that exceeds client expectations. If you see yourself as a writer, content designer, content strategist, content...

New style manual coming soon!

Over the last 2 years we have been hard at work transforming the Australian manual of scientific style (AMOSS) into the Australian manual of style (AMOS). And we’re very pleased to tell you that we’re nearly done! In collaboration with our partners,...

Carer Gateway featured

We were thrilled to see Carer Gateway recognised for its support of Australia’s carers on A current affair recently (visit Facebook to see the video segment). The A current affair website says: A new online service is available to help carers to access much needed...

Diabetes in schools

The Diabetes in Schools program provides training for school staff to ensure they can support students with type 1 diabetes, and to give parents confidence that their children will be safe and supported at school. Biotext worked with clinicians and trainers at the...

More workshops on the way

The last few months have been busy for our trainers, with the successful online delivery of Successful science writing and editing and Fundamentals of data literacy and visualisation in May and June, and inhouse training on the basics of statistics for the Australian...