Addressing the value of girls

The UNFPA Global Programme to Prevent Son Preference and the Undervaluing of Girls aims to help address imbalance in the sex ratio caused by gender-biased sex selection in identified countries. The program does this by via strengthening evidence-based national...

Sold out! But more coming …

If you were hoping to learn about writing and editing complex content in June, our first course has sold out! The online ‘Writing and editing complex content’ training course provides the tools you need to create logical, clear and compelling technical content. From...
Koala Life

Koala Life

Koala Life, previously the International Koala Centre of Excellence, leads vital research in koala conservation and management practices. Following the bushfires of 2020–21, the centre changed focus and branding. They wanted to put together a highlights report to help...

Welcome to our new staff!

We are very excited to welcome to our team 2 new staff members: Dr Emily Henkel and Janna Randell. Emily joins us as a Science Writer and Editor. She is an experienced researcher and science writer with a passion for clear communication. Emily has a diverse scientific...

Measuring and improving health care across Australia

The Fourth Australian Atlas of Healthcare Variation examines variation in healthcare use according to where people live. Designed to help healthcare professionals and managers to improve outcomes, the atlas covers 6 areas: early planned births; chronic disease and...

Surgical learnings

The Queensland Audit of Surgical Mortality (QASM) publishes periodic reports about surgical patients who died with infections. We helped QASM transform a complex, text-heavy report into an engaging set of data-driven visual displays with clear messages, using their...